Time Management

Work Smarter. Take Control of Your Workload.

Personal time management skills are essential skills for effective people. People who use techniques routinely for managing their time are the highest achievers in all walks of life, from business to sport to public service. Time anagement helps individuals to function exceptionally well, even under intense pressure.

What's more, as you master these skills, you'll find that you take control of your workload, and say goodbye to the often intense stress of work overload.

At the heart of time management is an important shift in focus:

Concentrate on results, not on being busy

Many people spend their days in a frenzy of activity, but achieve very little, because they're not concentrating their effort on the things that matter the most.

The 80:20 Rule

This is neatly summed up in the Pareto Principle, or the '80:20 Rule'. This says that typically 80% of unfocussed effort generates only 20% of results. This means that the remaining 80% of results are achieved with only 20% of the effort . While the ratio is not always 80:20, this broad pattern of a small proportion of activity generating non-scalar returns recurs so frequently that it is the norm in many situations.

By applying the time management skills you can optimize your effort to ensure that you concentrate as much of your time and energy as possible on the high payoff tasks. This ensures that you achieve the greatest benefit possible with the limited amount of time available to you…………..


Did you know ?
SpectaclesRoman tragedian Seneca (4 BC–AD 65) is said to have read "all the books in Rome " by peering through a glass globe of water. A thousand years later, presbyopic monks used segments of glass spheres that could be laid against reading material to magnify the letters, basically a magnifying glass, called a "reading stone." They based their invention on the theories of the Arabic mathematician Alhazen (roughly 1000 AD). Yet, Greek philosopher Aristophanes (c. 448 BC-380 BC) knew that glass could be used as a magnifying glass. Nevertheless it was not until roughly 150 AD that Ptolemy discovered the basic rules of light diffraction and wrote extensively on the subject. (The laws of diffraction were formulated much later by Snellius, between 1600 and 1620.)

Venetian glass blowers, who had learned how to produce glass for reading stones, later constructed lenses that could be held in a frame in front of the eye instead of directly on the reading material. It was intended for use by one eye; the idea to frame two ground glasses using wood or horn, making them into a single unit was born in the 13th century.

In 1268 Roger Bacon made the first known scientific commentary on lenses for vision correction. Salvino D'Armate of Pisa and Alessandro Spina of Florence are often credited with the invention of spectacles around 1284 but there is no evidence to conclude this. The first mention of actual glasses is found in a 1289 manuscript when a member of the Popozo family wrote: "I am so debilitated by age that without the glasses known as spectacles, I would no longer be able to read or write." In 1306, a monk of Pisa mentioned in a sermon: "It is not yet 20 years since the art of making spectacles, one of the most useful arts on earth, was discovered." But nobody mentioned the inventor.

In the Middle Ages wearing spectacles signified knowledge and learning. Painters of the time often included spectacles when portraying famous persons even when depicting people who lived before the known invention of spectacles. On numerous paintings the religious teacher Sofronius Eusebius Hieronymus (340 - 420 AD) is portrayed with a lion, a skull and a pair of reading glasses. He is the patron saint of spectacle makers.
Events Upadate

The wait finally ended as Rose IT Solutions Pvt Ltd celebrated its half yearly party on the 13th of December, 2008 at MUDRA PIND BALLUCHI . It was a great pleasure to have workforce accompanied by their family members to be present under the same roof and share their moments as being a family altogether. The venue was all dazzling with the animated lighting along with the enthusiasm of the employees that made them dance all the way through the party. Subdued lighting and decorations were everywhere and sculptured creativity was towering over a blue lighted dance floor. It is quite difficult to describe the magic of the evening in the surroundings as everybody cherished to the songs played on the DJ floor. Even before the meal was served, the aroma of the mouth watering delicacies was more than a delight to satisfy the tantalizing taste buds of everyone present in the party.

The success was monitored by the fact that employees across various departments got together along with their spouses to make those moments more graceful. We hope to move in such parties or rather they keep us moving and rejuvenating our skins……….


Anil is a member of RITS Software Development team. He is a humble, hardworking and peace loving guy. In his own words he is responsible, emotional and a calm person. To know more about him please read the interview as conducted by Maneesh Shukla.


In physics, what letter is used to represent to fundamental constant that is equal to "9.80665 metres per second squared"?

Send your answers to ritsreporter@roseint.com by April 25th. One person with the correct answer will be randomly chosen to receive a gift. GOOD LUCK!!!

A man walks into a bar and orders 3 beers. The bartender asks him why he gets three beers the man told the bartender well one is for me and the other two, for my brothers who live in Texas.

The man does this for about a week and one day the man walks in and orders two beers instead of three. The bartender asks him why just two the man said well my wife told me I had to quit drinking but she didn't say anything about my brothers to stop
For suggestions and sending your articles please e-mail us at ritsreporter@roseint.com